Aries Agro Limited logo

Aries Agro

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Services offered:

Website Redesign, and digital Marketing

Man checking grains through smart apps

About Company

Aries Agro is the business of manufacturing micronutrients and other customized nutritional products for plants and animals. Initially, we started manufacturing a small range of mineral feed supplements only for birds and animals. Later, we also began to supply mineral additives for agricultural purposes following diversification.


Aries Agro had great content to showcase but it wasn’t following the latest trends nor was it up to the mark in terms of Ui/UX. Besides the basic user experience issues the website also lacked a lot of SEO factors and hence wasn’t indexing or ranking on relevant keywords. 

Our Process and Solution

Sazinga helped Aries Agro improve the user experience on their website by overhauling the design with the latest UI/UX trends. The website was optimized for search engines to improve its ranking on relevant keywords and attract more organic traffic. The result was a user-friendly and easily navigable site that improved the overall online presence of Aries Agro.

The Result

With the new website overall user engagement time increased exponentially. There were a lot of organic traffic coming to the site and engaging with their research papers, blogs and taking actions on the products pages as well. Beside increasing the organic traffic we also managed to keep the keyword rankings up and optimize the social media presence to the optimal. 


Aries Agro Logo

Working with Sazinga was a game-changer for our business. Their expertise in website revamping and SEO transformed our online presence, making it more user-friendly and optimized for search engines. The results have been phenomenal, with increased organic traffic and higher rankings on relevant keywords. We are grateful for the professionalism, dedication and exceptional service provided by the Sazinga team and highly recommend their services to any business looking to enhance their online presence.

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