Hire Remote BlockChain Developers On-Demand

Sazinga helps you find and hire remote blockchain developers according to the skills you prefer. It is easy to augment the blockchain development team using the Sazinga services.

A man explaining technologies

Why Sazinga for Blockchain
Team Augmentation?

Sazinga has broadened its team of blockchain developers after analyzing the basic skills, expertise, and competence of blockchain tools. Our Ideal blockchain developers keep them updated with the latest blockchain tools and technologies. As a first step, our hiring team evaluates the developer’s knowledge and skills in blockchain fundamentals. Then they prioritize blockchain profiles with a good year of experience working with the latest blockchain tools and technologies. 

The top 4 reasons why you should choose Sazinga to hire blockchain developers

Ease of Choosing
the Best

From the pool of experts, choose the one who can understand your needs and help you grow.

Fast Scaling and Descaling

Our services allow you to quickly gear up or down scale your workforce based on the needs of the project.

Direct Communication

Take control of the project’s quality by gaining maximum control over the team and ensure maximum productivity.

Save on Employee

Expand or reduce your remote team at any time by hiring part-time or full-time developers for the required time.

Ready to Build Your Team?

Hit the start hiring button to hire software developers.

Software Developers developing Code

How to hire remote Blockchain developers
for your team

Blockchain Technology is meant to develop and manage decentralized applications (DApps) using cryptographic hash functions and security systems. Blockchain developers are the key players who build applications using blockchain technologies in less time.

Graphical representation showing technologies icon connection
  • Blockchain developers use Blockchain technology to create new Blockchain platforms.
  • Considering the architecture, blockchain developers develop and optimize necessary blockchain protocols.
  • Core Blockchain and Blockchain software developers are two different types of using blockchain technologies.

  • Core blockchain developers concentrate on the development whereas the blockchain software developers focus on building the decentralized apps.

  • Blockchain developers have in-depth knowledge of architecture, data structures, cryptography, smart contracts, and technical expertise in web development.

What to look for while Hiring
Remote back-end Developers?

Sourcing to hire the best Back-end developer suitable for your business can be a difficult as well as time-consuming task. To ease the process, Sazinga assists all companies who want to recruit back-end developers on their own. Sazinga offers the best remote back-end developers pre-vetted for a Silicon Valley standard. Sazinga augments the best remote back-end developers after testing their expertise in several areas like Python, Java, PHP, SQL, Git, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others.

Here are some key things that you need to verify when you hire a remote blockchain developer

Some of the core programming knowledge is a primary competency for a blockchain developer to dig deeper into the technology. A developer doesn’t need to be an expert, but they should understand the syntax and know how to code. Ethereum and Bitcoin are constantly evolving blockchain platforms, so the developers must be up-to-date with the latest changes. The ideal developers should be familiar with common blockchain platforms.

Cryptography is the primary formula of blockchain technology; developers must have strong knowledge to create secure applications. In-depth knowledge and familiarity with standard encryption protocols like SSL and TLS help to build strong secured systems. Since blockchain is a distributed database, developers have to be aware of network concepts such as routing. Consequently, a good knowledge of cryptography, security protocols, and network concepts are the most important skills for blockchain developers.

Developers need to have a good understanding of data structure concepts like a linked list, hash table, etc. Since blockchain uses strong cryptographic concepts, it becomes a necessity to validate data structure knowledge as well. The main benefit of using data structures in blockchain technology is because of its effective search and sorting algorithm. However, using such structured algorithms, a blockchain platform is created. So, hire blockchain developers who have good knowledge in data structured sets.

Before finalizing the blockchain developer, validate their core skills in distributed ledgers, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, dApps, Immutable, Permissioned vs Public blockchains, sharding, tokens, etc. Also, check their level of proficiency in the following blockchain tools caliper, blockchain explorer, Etherscan, Geth, Metamask, Mist, Remix IDE, Solidity, Solo, Testnets, Truffle, Drizzle, Ganache, etc.

Staff Augmentation Process

4 Easy steps to kick off your next project with the best remote developers


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Interview the developers you choose and on-board the most suitable candidates


All Set

You are all set to launch your development process with the best developers

Top Vetted Candidates

Programming on small rectangular screen
A male developer

Full Stack Developer

6+ Years

A dedicated full stack developer with 
6 years of experience in application development. Who can handle both the front and back ends of a website or application with a strong attention to detail and experience in fast-paced team environments.
A laptop showing lines of code
A female developer

Java Developer

6+ Years

A competent and diligent professional having experience in implementing and managing high-performance scalable web applications with efficient code and performance; in development, reporting, and bug resolution.
A laptop and smartphone on table
A male developer

.NET Developer

6+ Years

A skillful professional having 18+ years of technical experience and 16+ years of .Net technology knowledge. Hire this developer to contribute to the entire development life cycle of your crucial projects and close up the delivery pipeline.

Things to know


Things to know

Each new developer is provided with a unique relevant test task. Sazinga’s senior developer also conducts a technical interview to confirm the candidates’ ability to deliver.



It’s very important to find such a member to the team or a team of those who are on the same page with the culture of your company. We ensure that the candidate fits in your company’s values.



A team member must understand the language of the team. Sazinga’s experts check must-have traits like initiative, proactivity, English level, and great communication skills.


Developers who create systems to record and store data, restricting unauthorized access through secured digital transaction systems are called blockchain developers. So, their primary job is to design and develop secured blockchain technologies and to maintain client and server-side applications.

Blockchain developers must have a good understanding of knowledge of Blockchain concepts, familiarity with any one programming language, a sound understanding of cryptography and security principles, and distributed networking systems, and should possess the smart contracts knowledge.

Sazinga is the right place to find blockchain developers in 2 to 3 days. To hire developers right away, fill out the form and share your business requirements with us. Our team constantly processes your requests and fulfills your demands on time.

Blockchain is already used by different industries and organizations because of its credibility. To facilitate identity management, supply chain analysis, smart contracts, and for much more activities, blockchain technology is used due to its transparency and security. Even though blockchain technology is been used by many industries; its full potential of it is undiscovered yet.

A femele professional using laptop

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